#1 Education Tourism in ME

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Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology - New Minya

aljadida bani muhamad sherawy, 'abu qrqas, almanya 'anshi almaehad aleali lilhandasat waltiknulujia bialqarar alwizarii raqm 919 alssadir bitarikh 17/ 6/ 2006wtbqaan liqanun almaeahid aleulya alkhasat raqm 52 lisanat 1970 . • yaqae almaehad aleali lilhandasat waltiknulujia balmntqt alsinaeiat bialmanya alta tabeud hwaly 15 kilumitir ean madinat almanya . • bada'at aldirasat fi almaehad bitarikh sibtambar 2006 . • aljihat almalikat lilmaehad haa jameiat tanmiat almujtamaeat aleumraniat aljadida ( jameiatan la tahdif 'iilaa alribh ) yusharik fiha aledyd min almustathmirin walmuhtamin bialtaelim . Show more 543/5000 Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology, New Minya




  The Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology was established by Ministerial Resolution No. 919 issued on 6/17/2006 and in accordance with the Private Higher Institutes Law No. 52 of 1970.

The Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology is located in Minya's industrial zone, about 15 kilometers from Minya.

• Study at the institute began on September 2006.

• The owner of the institute is the New Urban Communities Development Association (a non-profit association) in which many investors and those interested in education participate.